Dark Romance (Understanding Love - part 2)
This black and white series is the second part of "Understanding Love" - a combination of photographs and illustrations to depict the feelings around a situation where somebody you fall in love with turns into somebody hurtful that you can't figure out. While part 1 of the series explored the topic with beauty and color, the part 2 looks at it with a dark and sombre tone.
This black and white series is the second part of "Understanding Love" - an art project by G C Kush in collaboration with Lyn Brüsneider and Mana Yamashita.
It is a combination of photographs and illustrations to depict the feelings around a situation where somebody you fall in love with turns into sombody hurtful that you can't figure out.
While part 1 of the series explored the topic with beauty and color, the part 2 looks at it with a dark and sombre tone.

When a bullet enters a human head, it makes a small hole and gives off a fine spray of blood on the entering side and a large mess on the other side. Regadless of if it's a sniper shooting you from far away or you shooting yourself, it's a gruisom thought that feels terrifying even without the presence of blood and gore. Being hurt in love is scary like that.

"Unintended Cruelty"
No matter how carefully we act, we always endup hurting innocent people and ourselves and we carry these wounds and guilt along with us for the rest of our lives no matter how hard we try to be numb to it and try to wipe of off.

"Sexless Dinner Date"
We engage in mindless rituals and advertise it to all our friends but in reality it often amounts to nothing and beneith the delightful surface there's nothing but a dark shadow of emptiness.
Art Director, Photographer and Compositer:
G C Kush
Lyn Brüsneider
Mana Yamashita
Adobe Photoshop CC
Adobe Illustrator CC
Glitch App
Samsung NX20
Nikor AF lenses
Kino Flo lights
HP Z800